Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why is this not easier

So doing this blog is supposed to be a part of my partners and I bid to become more connected to other people and to also find a way to expand our circles. I watch and read Randilin do it all the time but I am resistant. I have these life changes and I barely writed about them in my paper journal. Everything that happens I keep bottled with in me. I know I should not do this but I do.

How Am I going to change this? I don't know where to start or if in some ways if I want to or if it is just Randilin's 'encouragement'. I guess my next step is to figure that out.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

a new start

So I have not been blogger lately and Cliff is encouraging to blog more we are even starting a joint blog in regards to our weight loss journey. the blog can be found at our body her temple. Please check it out.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm Back

Ok So I havn't been blogging much lately mostly because I seem to be stalled or at least thats how it feels. I haven't really gotten much done in my knitting and I am gaining weight as of late. The last part is what fustrates me the most. I have been eatting in a healthy manner and exercising but not only am I not losing I am even gaining weight. I have to figure this out and make the changes that need to be done.

Here are my trackers:

My Weight Chart:
Weight Chart

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Creative push

so currently I seem to be going thru projects at a very quick pace. It helps that I am working on some small projects as well. I made a doll shawl for an 18" doll partially as some product development for my Etsy shop once I can get that open. I am also making Cliff some felted slippers for at the Witchery. I started them last night and I am almost finish the first one and I think I should have them finished by the weekend.

In thinking about it I know it is Murphy that is at the end of this - you see I am almost out of wool currently and can not reasonably afford to buy more wool until I am working again and the crux of that is when I am working again I will be too tired to spend as much time in the evenings knitting.

I love Murphy.

Well here is the doll shawl for those who might be interested.