Sunday, September 7, 2008

A beginning

Well I have succumb and given in, even. I am starting this blog. I have a lot to say and need a place to say it so blogging it shall be. I am not the type of person who spends alot of time on the computer outside of work but I need to get with this century and become more familiar with what blogging has to offer.

What do I plan to talk about in this blog? Mostly my random thoughts and what I am working on right now. The one thing that I find funny about this is I expect most of what I will telling everyone that I am working on is the more traditional arts and crafts that I will be working on such as knitting, cross stich and sewing (both garments and decor). Which tend to be on the more low tech side but all is good.

Well that is all for now. Once I get things more set up I will write more.

1 comment:

One Opinionated Woman said...

Welcome to the Blogsphere - I am thrilled to see your first post! You have so much to say and I can't wait to read it!